
-Generic name:Amlodipine.

-Trade/Brand name: Norvasc.

-Amlodipine digunakan alone or in combination with other medications untuk merawat tekanan darah tinggi dan sakit dada(angina).

- Amlodipine is in a class of medications called calcium channel blockers.

-Amlodidipine mengurangkan tekanan darah by relaxing the blood vessels oleh itu jantung tidak perlu bekerja kuat untuk mengepam darah.

-Amlodipine mengawal sakit dada dengan meningkatkan pengaliran darah ke jantung.
-If taken regularly, amlodipine controls chest pain, but it does not stop chest pain once it starts.

- Doctor may prescribe a different medication to take when you have chest pain.

-How should this medicine be used-

-Amlodipine datang dalam bentuk tablet dan diambil secara oral(by mouth).

-Ia biasanya diambil sehari sekali.

-Untuk memastikan kita sealu ingat untuk ambil ubat amlodipine ni ambillah ubat ni pada waktu yang sama setiap hari.

-Biasanya doctor akan prescribe amlodipine dalam dos rendah seterusnya akan meningkatkan dos amlodipine.

-Amlodipine hanya membantu mengawal high blood pressure an chest pain tetapi tidak menyembuhkannya.

-Amlodipine harus diambil secara berterusan walaupun pesakit berasa sihat.

-side effects-

• swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs

• headache
• upset stomach
• stomach pain
• dizziness or lightheadedness
• drowsiness
• excessive tiredness
• flushing (feeling of warmth)

-serious side effects –

• more frequent or more severe chest pain

• rapid, pounding, or irregular heartbeat
• fainting

Amlodipine causes marked coronary and peripheral arterial vasodilation (which leads to plasma leakage in dependent areas since the veins remain constricted). As happens with other dihydropyridine calcium blockers, this results in a small percentage of patients having a problem with pedal edema (Am J Med. 2004;116:35-43). The pedal edema is not related to congestive heart failure and responds only inconsistently to diuretics, but it is not harmful.Mungkin akan nmpk sedikit gemuk sbb berlaku edema/bengkak.