Asalam entry kali ni ditaip di perak hehe….lama woo xdpt balik umah..

Topic hari ni PLEURISY

Nama lain untuk pleurisy ni ialah PLEURITIS /PLEURITIC CHEST PAIN

Pleurisy ni ialah-inflammation of pleura(the lining of pleural cavity) surrounding chest and lungs.It leads to pain usually SHARP PAIN.

Risk factor of pleurisy :



3)Asbestos related disease

4)Certain trauma

5)Rheumatoid Arthritis

6)Pulmonary embolus


Symptom of pleurisy :

1)tachypnea-rapid breathing

2)Pain during deep breathing and cough

3)Cyanosis-bluish skin

4)SOB-shorthness of breath

p/s:focuskan pd nursing intervention utk pleurisy

kt ats tu ialah external image of pleuritis via xray