-Keadaan dimana paru-paru tidak dapat mengeluarkan semua carbon dioxide yang dihasilkan oleh badan.Ini menyebabkan gangguan acid-base balance yg menyebabkan cecair dlm badan terutamanya DARAH menjadi too acidic.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors :
• Diseases of the airways (such as asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease) which send air into and out of the lungs.
• Diseases affecting the nerves and muscles that "signal" the lungs to inflate or deflate.
• Drugs that suppress breathing (including powerful pain medicines, such as narcotics, and "downers," such as benzodiazepines), especially when combined with alcohol.
• Severe obesity, which restricts how much the lungs can expand.
Soalan LJM dye tnye cmni:
Keadaan disebabkan oleh peningkatan karbon dioksida dalam darah pesakit yang menghidapi bronkiol asthma.
Jawapan : asidosis respiratori.
Semoga batch kite semua lulus LJM dgn cemerlang Aminn..