-Pursed Lip Breathing-

Pursed lip breathing ialah cara untuk mengatasi shortness of breath.Membolehkan kita bernafas dengan efektif.Pursed lip breathing membantu mengurangkan kelajuan kita bernafas.

-What does pursed lip breathing do-

• Improves ventilation.

• Mengeluarkan udara yang terperangkap didalam lungs.

• Membolehkan saluran pernafasan terbuka dan mengurangkan kita bekerja kuat untuk bernafas .decreases the work of breathing.

• prolongs exhalation to slow the breathing rate (tempoh hembus nafas yang lama untuk memperlahan kadar pernafasan)-kadar pernafasan jadi laju sbb kiter hunger air.

• Menambahbaik patern pernafasan dengan mengeluarkan udara lama didalam lungs dan membenarkan udara baru masuk ke dalam lungs.(Improves breathing patterns by moving old air out of the lungs and allowing for new air to enter the lungs).

•Relieves shortness of breath.

•Causes general relaxation.

-When should I use this technique-

- Guna teknik pernafasan ini semasa aktiviti lasak spt bending,lifting,panjat tangga n etc.

-Praktis 4-5 kali sehari untuk mendapatkan coorect breathing pattern.

-Pursed lip breathing technique-

1. Relax your neck and shoulder muscles. (figure to right).

2. Breathe in (INHALE) slowly through your NOSE for two counts, keeping your mouth closed. Don't take a deep breath; a normal breath will do. It may help to count to yourself: inhale, one, two. (figure to right).

3. Pucker or "purse" your lips as if you were going to whistle or gently flicker the flame of a candle. (figure to left).

4. Breathe out (exhale) slowly and gently through your pursed lips while counting to four. It may help to count to yourself: exhale, one, two, three, four. (figure to right).

- Try to make the time blowing out longer than when you took a breath in(hembus nafas lebih lama berbanding dengan jangka masa menarik nafas)